Monday, May 25, 2020

Inclusive Leadership Forming A Global Team - 1114 Words

Inclusive Leadership: Forming a Global Team Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 21, 2016 t: Ethical Leadership Models Research has shown inclusive leadership is based on leadership that is ethical and all-encompassing driven by the leaders desire to honestly connect to subordinates. Ethical leaders understand all subordinates regardless of race, creed, color or national origin play an equally important role in the strategic organizational plan (Cottrill, Lopez Hoffman, 2014). Such traits allow leaders to effectively engage with subordinates of a wide variety of cultural, demographic, and social constrictions. This assignment will address the role of inclusive leadership in strengthening the organizational culture among a diverse global group of employees. The organization is planting business operations in Greece, Singapore, Germany, and Iran and will be hiring employees from these diverse nations to work along with staff from the United States. The researcher has been hired as a consultant to bring the group of workers together and is tasked with synergizing the multicultural group into a cohesive group of high- performance workers. Traits of Inclusive Leadership According to Korsakiene Diskiene (2015) traits are the distinguishing factors that differentiate inclusive leaders from their peers, in leadership theory. There have been six major traits identifies of which an inclusive leader possess. The followingShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Development Of A Global Organization1188 Words   |  5 Pagesdiverse team in the development of a global organization, I would discuss with the leader the data gathered by the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE) to understand how to effectively create an inclusive culture (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, Gupta, 2004). Countries, where this corporation is planting the business operations, are Greece, Singapore, Germany, and Iran. Diverse employees will be hired from these countries to work as a global team. ItRead MoreBest Foods Case Analysis Essay1615 Words   |  7 Pagesgeneral manager. With the lack of skill level and job experience one of the first steps will be to educate so the company will be able to increase their number of women in executive positions. The second challenge they faced is that Best Foods is a global company that has operations in 60 countries and sells in 110 countries. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Advertising Of The Same Media - 863 Words

Comparisons between advertisements of the same media take a specific skill, eye, and intellect to make these comparisons and contrasts. Comparisons can include the imagery, copy, and the campaign, these are up to debate for the viewer, to one an advertisement can be provocative, but to another the advertisement can simply be a form of bandwagon. Calvin Klein and Versace have two internet advertisements that I believe them to both be provocative in their own special ways, but share a form of bandwagon. Calvin Klein has an advertisement that features same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples; they show texts from them that reveal sexual innuendos and positions. Versace has an advertisement that displays Lady Gaga in a lavender dress in a very glamorous position on a similar color couch and background. The campaign of an advertisement helps direct their product or cause to a certain group or audience. There are many form campaigns; I will be focusing a lot on provocative and bandwagon. Contrasts between the two advertisements are the Versace with Lady Gaga what you would think of as a provocative or controversial advertisement is actually debatable, the advertisement would focus more on a bandwagon like campaign, the brand Versace is a very high end brand for wealthy people and celebrities, so having a very well know artist and fashion icon modeling the brand in a glamorous pose, which to some is provocative, but others see it inviting especially the LGBT (lesbian, gay,Show MoreRelatedAdvertising Is More Than Simply Conveying Products From The Product Or Service? Essay1016 Words   |  5 Pages 1.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: Advertising is more than simply conveying products from the maker to the last client. It includes all the stages from making of the item and the after- market, which takes after the possible deals, promoting assumes an essential part in this procedure. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Theories Essay Motivation - 627 Words

Management Theories Essay Motivation Motivations essence consists of human’s needs and desires. If there is a need then eventually it will convert into a desire. Motivation theories were formed in the 19th and 20th centuries and their founder was F. Taylor . This essay will define motivation at work and show if leadership is linked to understanding of motivation by looking through examples of today’s industry. One of the first scientists that researched human needs was Abraham Maslow. His Hierarchy of needs theory is one of the most common motivation theories. While creating his motivational theory Maslow admitted that humans have plenty of different demands, but he also thought that those demands can be connected into groups. Maslow from†¦show more content†¦That also affects the quality of the work that has been done or will be done in the future. An employee whose basic needs are not satisfied is going to be passive during the work. Active worker will be that one, who will have dissatisfied needs, because he has the opportunity to satisfy them during his work. If he can’t satisfy them during the work that means that he does not have motivation to work. A leader should be greatly familiar with the reasons which simulate his staff’s work. Therefore, salary and its rising opportunities are really important in personnel management. Company suffers if the salaries are not raised. Material motivation starts to make influence from a particular level, which is affected by living standard. For motivation to be useful, first of all salary has to depend on job results, goals achievements. When material needs are more or less satisfied, then it is time to pay greater attention into spiritual, social incentive ways, people needs like respect. For a goal to be reached, a leader has to convince his employee that he is capable of doing it. When the tasks implementations are getting harder, the motivation to reach it becomes stronger. This essay identified motivation theories and showed that there are more than financial ways to motivate employees and that effective leadership is also a great motivation for the workers. Unfortunately, theShow MoreRelatedTheories Of Motivation And Motivation Theories1493 Words   |  6 Pagesextent, needs of theories of motivation are still relevant to contemporary management practice. Theories of motivation are important as it helps managers to understand their employees’ needs of motivations, and to motivate their employees to perform and excel better. There are several motivation theories; this essay will briefly explain six major theories of motivation and discuss three of the theories in more detail. This essay will also explain the needs theories of motivation, and will focus onRead MoreThe Needs Of Employees And Various Types Of Management927 Words   |  4 Pages Employee Motivation Stephanie Nix American Public University â€Æ' Executive Summary This is an essay on two different theories and how they outline the needs of employees and various types of management. The relationship between motivation and success in groups and organizations will be analyzed. Employee Motivation Motivation is a state of mind, desire, energy or interest that translates into action. (Nahavandi, Denhardt, Aristigueta 2015). An employee’s willingness toRead MoreLeadership Styles1063 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership and management are two different subjects but both are essential for an organizations growth. Leadership is â€Å"A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people† (Smith P et al 2012), whilst â€Å"Management is more about getting things done on a day-to-day basis and ensuring consistency† (Smith P et al 2012).In simple context Managers helps in doing the right thing where as Leaders do the right things. Having a strong Leader and Management an organizationRead MoreHow can leaders motivate staff in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction?1669 Words   |  7 Pagesof this essay is to highlight the use of management theories in relation to productivity and job satisfaction. This essay shall di scuss how leaders can motivate employees in order to improve the overall productivity and job satisfaction. I will be looking at theories in relation to how they are categorised, also how different management theories can be implemented by a leader. The essay will analyse both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are relative to applicable management theories and fromRead MoreCritically evaluate McGregors Theroy X and Theory Y1341 Words   |  6 PagesCritically evaluate McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. How far is it applicable to management and employee motivation in contemporary Chinese organizations? In the modern corporation environment, employees’ motivation plays a pivotal role, thus they should be recognised as a significant part of corporations’ financial assets. There are several distinct viewpoints of approaches to managerial strategies about motivating employees, one of which is McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. It proposes that providingRead MoreTheory X And Y : Theories1385 Words   |  6 PagesIndividual Assignment Theory X and Y are theories founded by Douglas McGregor, a professor from MIT Sloan School of Management, which are inscribed in his book, â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise† in 1960. This essay will explain about the theories used in human resources, which according to McGregor are vital in the success of one’s company. Theory X is the theory who assume people to dislike work or just want to work if they received orders from superiors. While the theory Y assumes people love toRead MoreCritical Evaluate Maslows Theory of Hierarchy of Needs1272 Words   |  6 PagesCritically evaluate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as way of understanding employee motivation in contemporary Chinese business Nowadays, people resources have been considered as an important task. To focus on that employees’ emotional motivator have always been considered as a standard to predict company’s future tendency of development. (Hurst, 1995) People’s motivation factors and uses have become to play a more significant role in modern firms, which is every boss cared. In today’s ChinaRead MoreCritical Evaluate Maslows Theory of Hierarchy of Needs1263 Words   |  6 PagesCritically evaluate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as way of understanding employee motivation in contemporary Chinese business Nowadays, people resources have been considered as an important task. To focus on that employees’ emotional motivator have always been considered as a standard to predict company’s future tendency of development. (Hurst, 1995) People’s motivation factors and uses have become to play a more significant role in modern firms, which is every boss cared. In today’s China, manyRead MoreThe Importance Of Motivation And Motivation Theory1401 Words   |  6 Pagesperformance. Therefore motivation is one of the most complex and important topics in industrial and organizational psychology (Smither ,1997). The main purpose of this essay is to explain different kinds of motivation and why it is necessary, and create a proper motivation mechanism for the company. On the one hand, I studied current research and research different motivation theories. On the other hand, I will compare the common and different things among these motivation theories, and try to findRead MoreLeadership Styles Adapting1160 Words   |  5 PagesIn a modern society competition exists in every scope and businesses are not exceptional. As companies struggle to get more efficiency and profitability good management is certainly needed. It is argued that a qualified leader should know how to motivate people and deal with problems in the most effective way. Moreover, managers have to set objectives for companies in order to check whether the labours are working in a right direction and tasks are doing properly. However, not the same as before

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Compare Dickens The Signal

Compare Dickens The Signal-Man to Dahls Lambs to the Slaughter Essay Despite the time passed between the writing of Dickens The Signalman and Dahls Lambs to the Slaughter, they have certain similarities. They both focus around death and madness, and include characters that are written to make the reader question their sanity. They also both oppose the development of modern technology. However, they are written in completely different styles. Dickens piece is written in the first person, as in that it is written from the characters point of view. In contrast, Dahls piece is written from a narrators point of view, in the third person. By writing in the first person, Dickens creates a sense of inclusion, that the reader is actually taking part in the story. It brings the reader closer in on the action, which makes the emotions feel more intense and the story more intimate. This is an apt format to have in a horror/mystery genre, as it heightens the effect of the writing, and makes the story feel more relevant to the reader. However, because Dahl is writing to entertain or amuse the reader, the third person format would be more suited. It gives the reader an insight into someone elses life, so they do not connect emotionally with the characters in question, and so they can find the predicament amusing. Also, Dickens uses complex syntax and complicated language. This may have been due to the period of time it was written in and the audience it was aimed at. It was written after the Industrial Revolution, just after the development of railways, which means around the 1870s. The story was probably aimed at the higher, educated classes, who, on the whole, thought that technology was a good idea and would invest in it. Therefore, Dickens can use the piece to portray his morals, ideas and opinions to people who are intelligent and high-ranking enough to be swayed by his argument against technology and its effect on the human mind. This is mentioned as a part in the story, where the Signalman is in distress because he is only a poor signal-man and has not the power to act nor credit to be believed. Dickens, therefore, tries to appeal to an audience who has both of those assets and can take action towards his cause. Dahl uses language to build the characters and set the scene. He uses less descriptive language than Signalman. This is because the short descriptions are used more to further the storyline and add short-term dramatic effect rather than to create a long-term build-up of tension, as in Dickens piece. For example: the oily swirls in the liquid because it was so strong are used to show that something is out of place or odd, building to a release of tension a few paragraphs over, in contrast to Dickens, where each description builds to the final climax at the end of the story. The language Dahl uses is simple and not, as opposed to Dickens, complicated. This is because it is set in the mid-twentieth century, and not aimed at a particular group of people, more to the general public. This is because the culture and society was different at the time of writing than in the century preceding, when Dickens was alive. In the twentieth century, the public in general had more power in opinion than only a small group of people, being the upper classes in Signalman. Therefore, by aiming the piece at society as a whole, his opinions can and will appeal to those who have the power to act. Animal Farm: Imagine you are an animal on the farm EssayHis short, one-word answers and peculiar actions the overly strong whisky puzzle the reader, as the wife and her surroundings describe him as a good, faithful husband, and his actions strike the reader, and the wife, as odd. Her description at the exposition describes her as pure, good, kind and even compares her to the Virgin Mary. This is evident in her name also Mary, and the way she has a slow smiling air and her skin has a wonderful translucent quality. These qualities appear in many artists representations of the Virgin Mary. In contrast, tension and suspense in The Signal-man is built by the gradual revealing of the ghost. As the story progresses, we learn more and more about this appearance, and what relevance certain actions, overseen at the beginning, have to the story. For example, when the narrator first greets the Signal-Man with his arm raised, covering his eyes. At first, the reader does not think anything of it, but as the story is revealed; it is found that the ghost had used exactly the same actions. The tension in The Signal-man is also built up by the atmosphere created by the descriptions of the Signal-man and his surroundings. The cutting is described as if it were a grave, gloomy and a great dungeon. This introduces the theme of death and mystery. In all, the two pieces are alike in as many ways as they are different. They both state, as a main theme, death and mystery, be it in completely different ways. Lambs to the Slaughter is a black comedy, where death is the murder of the husband, and the mystery is part of the irony. The Signal-Man is a dark horror mystery, based around the supernatural. Its seriousness sends a message to the reader, making them question who they are, and what they believe. Both pieces oppose modern technology. Lambs mocks the policing and latest forensic methods, and also the modern justice system. Signal-Man critiscises the railways, and the effect of modern technology on an average persons mind. It makes the reader question what is real and what isnt. Modern film-makers use this technique to create suspense and confuse the reader: for example, The Matrix. Both pieces tell of the power of the downtrodden or unrecognised. Lambs was set around the time of womens rights, and so tells the story of a womans empowerment over her husband. Signal-Man tells of an educated man that would be ignored because of where he works, and how much power he has, or in this case, doesnt have. It is a story of the working classes, a story that uses one mans tale to inform the upper classes of the dangers of technology. It gives the purpose and moral of the writing a human identity, something that the readers can, themselves, identify with and feel sympathy for. The stories are both alike and different, but are, initially, of the same themes and ideas.